Panoramic Photography
Panoramic Photography By Dominic W. L. Fung (MSc Electronic Business Management) Nowadays, photography is a very common and affordable hobby. Most people may have their own digital camera (DC), and even cell phones are equipped with a tiny camera for you to take pictures . I bought my first camera a few years ago, and […]
看雲的心情 by Nancy Chui 崔亮欣 (BSc Industrial Economics) 雲卷雲舒,雲聚雲散, 我看雲時,雲是否也在看我?拍一張照片,寫一段心情, 在我看雲的歲月裡, 雲也見證着我的故事。 香港 (2007) 童年躺在大草地,瞇着眼看天,果然如書上寫的: “藍的天,白的雲,藍天白雲真美麗。”讓豐富的想像力替每朵雲取個名字: 是小豬還是雪人? 像叮噹的豆沙包還是ET的飛船? 雲上又是否真有天空之城? “爸媽,可以帶我乘摩天輪上去瞧清楚嗎?” 英國 (2006) 想飛視綫跟着飛機上天際,直到它消失於雲端。 想替夢插上翅膀,隨雲飛往比天空更遥遠的地方,那裡有我的烏托邦。 日本福岡(2005) 心曲愛在田野看秋天的日落,漫天霞暉,與心弦和唱,譜奏一闕温柔的彩雲曲。 霞幕徐徐而下,美景雖留不住,但能在心裡記下一頁絢燦,一份震撼,已足够。 英國 (2006) 喚風這刻,我想起了你。讓雲載满我的思念,喚一陣風,把雲送到你那方… 你説,今天下雨了。你感受到嗎?那霏霏雨粉正是我送你的满满祝福。 澳門 (2005) 静思在飛機看窗外的大片雲海,心是如此的平靜,幾近透明,没有牽掛,没有煩憂。呼吸輕了,時間也彷彿慢了。 雲的另外一端便是家吧。微笑着,静待着到達的廣播。回家的感覺真好。 (2006)
Interview with Prof. Edward Ng
Interview with Prof. Edward Ng (MBA, 2003) by Elaine Hung and Clement Chan A Bridge Too Far, a Dream Not Too Far About Prof. Edward Ng (吳恩融教授): Born in Hong Kong and educated in the UK, Prof. Edward Ng did his MBA at the University of Warwick by distance learning and passed with distinction in […]
Interview with Jo Ngai
Interview with Jo Ngai (MA International Relations, 2002) by Manita So, Dominic Fung and Eastman Cheong It is an interesting interview, and in fact, a challenging one. Sitting with us is Jo Ngai Yee Shan (魏綺珊), a well-known journalist and a TV news anchor prior to being the Communication Manager of Airport Authority Hong Kong […]
Interview with Jack Shu
Interview with Jack Shu (MA Drama Education & Cultural Studies, 1998) by Manita So and Clement Chan The Hong Kong education system used to be criticised as rigid and exam-oriented, and students were often seen as rather passive and lack of independent thinking skills. This seems to be changing. Jack Shu, a Warwick graduate […]
Don’t You Have Time to Think?
Book review by Eastman Cheong (BSc Mathematics & Economics) About the book: Don’t You Have Time to Think? By Richard P. Feynman Penguin Book, 2006, 467 pp. Richard Feynman won the Nobel prize in Physics in 1965 for his contributions in the theory of quantum electrodynamics. The New York Times described him as “the most […]
5 Steps of Drinking Wines: Observe, smell, taste
5 Steps of Drinking Wines: Observe, smell, taste By Franco Lee (MSc Electronic Business Management) This article is to summarize some articles I read about wines and the experience of tasting wines in the past 2 years. Each person has his own approach to wine tasting. For me, the first thing is to relax. Wine […]