First Ever Christmas Ball for UK alumni
23.12.2005 + Harbour View Ballroom, Four Seasons Hong Kong Hotel
On 23 December 2005 British Council held its first Christmas Ball for UK alumni in Hong Kong and WGAHK was among the 14 alumni associations that joined the event. In the elegant setting of Four Seasons Hotel, the evening started with a cocktail reception, followed by a formal dinner adorned by games, a luckdraw and a dance demo.
It was an enjoyable evening during which we made many new friends, as well as caught up with old acquaintances including fellow Warwicker Ms Ngai Yee-Shan, Jo who studied MA International Politics & East Asia in 2001/02. We also did very well at the quiz game that asked about our general knowledge of the UK & the British Council, names of UK universities and names of UK football clubs in the Premier League. The Warwick table entered the final round with two other tables and representatives were asked to blow up & burst a balloon before answering a question. We lost just narrowly.
The event photographs will surely bring back fond memories of a good time we all had.