Sensational happy-hour celebrating Warwick’s 40th Anniversary

Sensational happy-hour celebrating Warwick’s 40th Anniversary

05.05.2005 + Central

40 years of innovation : together we go forward

The Warwick Happy-Hour Gathering on 5th May 2005 had an excellent turnout of over 50 alumni. Graduates from the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s were represented, including many who joined WGAHK activities for the first time.

The event kicked off the celebration of the University’s 40th Anniversary in Hong Kong. Being such a special occasion, it was held in a private room inside ARIA, the usual Happy Hour venue for Warwick Happy Hour Gatherings. Each participant was also offered one free drink.

It was a hilarious evening and all had a good time. Under the cozy room settings of dimmed light, sofa, cushion, and ribbon-decorations, participants caught up with fellow alumni, met new friends and made new connections. Great conversation and interesting stories were exchanged.


If you did not make it this time, please join the coming Warwick happy hour evenings, held on the first Thursday of every odd month. There are 3 more happy hour dates in 2005, including 7 July, 1 September, 3 November. Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm. Venue: ARIA, Unit 103, Exchange Square II, Central.

And don’t miss the other Warwick’s 40th Anniversary Celebration events in Hong Kong! Enter the “Warwick 40th Anniversary Photo Contest” and also mark your diary for the Celebration Dinner, to be held on Saturday 3rd December 2005 at World Trade Centre Club.


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