Warwick Celebration Dinner in Honour of Honorary Graduates in Hong Kong

Warwick Celebration Dinner in Honour of Honorary Graduates in Hong Kong

Text by Nancy Chui
Posted by Clement Chan on 20.09.2006

On 2 June 2006 Professor David VandeLinde, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warwick and Honorary President of WGAHK, came to Hong Kong and hosted a celebration dinner at JW Marriot Hotel in honour of Hon Martin Lee Chu-ming, Dr Hon Elsie Leung Oi-sie and Sir David Li Kwok-po, the three Warwick honorary graduates in Hong Kong.

It was a memorable evening attended by 120 alumni and friends. It began with a welcome speech by Prof. VandeLinde. Sir David Li, Dr. Elsie Leung and Hon Martin Lee were then invited to the stage to give a short speech in response to Prof. VandeLinde, and to receive from him a souvenir from the University.

While we were enjoying dinner, Mr. Edward Tan, Chairman of WGAHK, gave a speech on behalf of the alumni to thank Prof. VandeLinde for his continuous support and presented him a Chinese tea set, a symbol of Chinese culture and hospitality. Though Prof. VandeLinde would retire in July, we will always welcome him in Hong Kong.

A group photo of WGAHK ExComm at the end of the event.

Amidst the warm atmosphere, participants exchanged news of their latest developments and took photographs.


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