Warwick Celebration Dinner in Honour of Honorary Graduates in Hong Kong
Text by Nancy Chui
Posted by Clement Chan on 20.09.2006
On 2 June 2006 Professor David VandeLinde, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warwick and Honorary President of WGAHK, came to Hong Kong and hosted a celebration dinner at JW Marriot Hotel in honour of Hon Martin Lee Chu-ming, Dr Hon Elsie Leung Oi-sie and Sir David Li Kwok-po, the three Warwick honorary graduates in Hong Kong.
It was a memorable evening attended by 120 alumni and friends. It began with a welcome speech by Prof. VandeLinde. Sir David Li, Dr. Elsie Leung and Hon Martin Lee were then invited to the stage to give a short speech in response to Prof. VandeLinde, and to receive from him a souvenir from the University.
While we were enjoying dinner, Mr. Edward Tan, Chairman of WGAHK, gave a speech on behalf of the alumni to thank Prof. VandeLinde for his continuous support and presented him a Chinese tea set, a symbol of Chinese culture and hospitality. Though Prof. VandeLinde would retire in July, we will always welcome him in Hong Kong.
A group photo of WGAHK ExComm at the end of the event.
Amidst the warm atmosphere, participants exchanged news of their latest developments and took photographs.