WGAHK Annual Dinner 2005 in celebration of Warwick’s 40th Anniversary
03.12.2005 + World Trade Centre Club, Causeway Bay
Apart from highlighting the end of a fruitful year, the WGAHK Annual Dinner was also the precious opportunity for over 100 Warwickers across decades to have a big reunion ant to celebrate the University’s 40th anniversary.
Our masters of ceremonies, Mr Liam Lai (LLB Law) and Ms Shirley Kwan (BSc Management Science) kicked off the evening by inviting Mr Edward Tan, the WGAHK Chairman, to express the warmest welcome to all participants. This was followed by a speech by Ms Nancy Chui, the University of Warwick Hong Kong Representative.
A slide show displaying some of the entries of My Warwick Days Photo Contest came next and that allowed guests to relive their student days’ memories. Among the entries, the judge panel had picked two merit prize winners: Ms Jane Wong (MSc in Engineering Business Management IGDS) and Ms Red Chan (MA in Translation Studies), and a grand prize winner: Ms Maud Lee (MSc in Economics). Maud’s photo featuring daffodils in full bloom against the background of the fine blue sky won the panel’s heart with its remarkable aesthetic standard and uniqueness in the shooting angle. Her winning photo is printed on a wallet-size 2006 Warwick calendar card, which was given to all guests at the dinner with the latest WGAHK newsletter and a Warwick 40th anniversary souvenir pen.
Grand Prize– One Fine Day
Photograph by Maud Lee (MSc Economics)
Merit Prize—Cheery blossom in Spring 2005
Photograph by Red Chan (MA Translation Studies)
Merit Prize—Our Great Day
Photograph by Jane Wong (MSc Engineering Business Management IGDS)
Amidst the laughter and leisure chitchat among tables, the “Warwick I-know” game hosted by Nancy Chui drew the participants’ attention to the stage again. Questions of interesting facts about the University were asked and every table had to put up their “Yes” or “No” cards to show their answers. After rounds of heated competitions, the table comprised of recent graduates and current exchange students beat other tables with a narrow win!
The dinner culminated in the lucky draw with over 40 fabulous prizes. Each guest received a complimentary raffle ticket and extra raffle tickets could be bought with all proceeds going to the WGAHK Scholarship Fund. As a reward of their generosity, many raffle ticket buyers took home more than one prizes and Mr Paul Li was the winner of the grand prize— a LCD television!
The evening came to a full end after the entire group of guests came together to take a huge group photo. The annual dinner was a remarkable success with more than HK$20,000 raised for the WGAHK scholarship fund. Everyone had an enjoyable and memorable evening.