A guided tour to explore Picasso’s intaglio prints

A guided tour to explore Picasso’s intaglio prints

Do you really know Picasso? A guided tour to explore Picasso’s intaglio prints02.07.2008 + HKU  

This year, an art tour was held at the University Museum and Art Gallery of the University of Hong Kong on 6 July 2008. This exhibition showcased 100 pieces of Picasso’s intaglio prints from the Vollard Suite, which were transported to Hong Kong from the Louvre Museum in France. Although it was a rainy day, the event attracted 37 Warwickers and friends, which was beyond our maximum capacity!

We started with a luncheon talk by Eileen Tsang (BEd Art Education) at Joseph’s. After a delicious meal, we went to a private room where Eileen gave an interesting presentation about Picasso. We learnt a lot about his different art periods, the women in his paintings and the five collections of the Vollard Suite. After an active question and answer session, Eileen received a great applause from all of us and even a bunch of flowers from one of her fans!


This was followed by the guided tour. Ms Annie Chow, Curator of the University Museum and Art Gallery, led us through the characteristics and different printmaking techniques of each collection. It was very interesting to see that some of the intaglio prints were in fact diaries of Picasso’s life in his sculpture studio. By the end of the tour, we found that Picasso is actually not too difficult to understand!


Every year, WGAHK organises an art tour for Warwick art lovers and it has become a very popular event. Due to the capacity limit, we had to decline some registrations this time. If you have missed this event, please remember to sign up early next year! We look forward to seeing you all next time!  

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