WGAHK 15th Anniversary Celebration Dinner 2009

WGAHK 15th Anniversary Celebration Dinner 2009

WGAHK 15th Anniversary Celebration Dinner 2009 12.12.2009 + Butterfield’s Club, TaiKoo Place
Set against the splendid decoration of the Soong Room of the Butterfield’s Club, the annual reunion has attracted more than 110 Warwickers and their family. The dinner was kicked off by a welcome speech by Dr Edmund Lee, WGAHK Chairman, followed by a speech by our guest of honour, Prof Nigel Thrift, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warwick and Honorary President of WGAHK. Other guests from Warwick included Prof David Wilson, Acting Dean of Warwick Business School; Mr Ben Plummer-Powell, Associate Director, Development (International), and Mrs Helen Johnson, Assistant Director of the International Office.In a warm and cozy ambience, participants immersed themselves in the festive buffet dinner, wine, joy and laughter. While catching up with old friends and making new acquaintances, Warwickers didn’t forget to take part in our tailor-made Warwicker Bingo game and meet up with fellow alumni.Alongside the WGAHK 15th Anniversary Book: 15 Years of Friendships and Achievements, a commemorative slideshow featuring the Association’s history in the past 15 years was also presented, throbbing the hearts of many audiences while recalling our precious memories.

The dinner atmosphere reached the highest when the lucky draw began. We were honoured to invite Prof Nigel Thrift to draw out and present the 2 grand prizes, the University of Warwick Alumnus and Alumna watches, to our lucky winners.

The group photo marked the full end of the dinner as well as
the finale of our jubilant year. WGAHK would like to thank all our sponsors and contributors who have made the evening successful, as well as all the participants whose support is vital to the success of this remarkable year.

Nevertheless, the slogan “Beyond Networking” which craves out our spirit didn’t end with the closing of our celebration. Stay connected with WGAHK and keep the spirit going in the years ahead!

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